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Resources for Preparing for Extreme Heat

Prepare and protect yourself when working outdoors in the summer, especially during extreme heat conditions. Learn about extreme heat and how you can prepare your home for it so you can work from home comfortably. Find out how you can reduce your risk of heat stress and how to identify signs of heat-related illnesses in the resources provided by WorkSafeBC, CCOHS and the B.C. Government. 


Find out how to practice sun safety when working outdoors.

Learn about causes and dangers of heat stress.

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
Download CCOHS’s poster on how to identify signs of heat-related illnesses.

Government of British Columbia
Find out more about what extreme heat is and how to prepare for it before it’s too late. For a comprehensive guide, download the extreme heat guide created by the B.C. Ministry of Health and the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC)


Extreme heat can cause wildfires. Visit the links below provided by the Government of British Columbia – Be prepared for extreme heat.

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Actsafe is a not-for-profit health and safety association supporting British Columbia’s arts and entertainment industries.

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